Diathermy, also referred to as TECAR Therapy (acronym meaning Capacitive and Resistive Energy Transfer), is a type of endogenous thermotherapy spreading more and more in the medical and physiotherapeutic fields due to its extraordinary effectiveness in the treatment of traumas and pathologies of musculoskeletal system.
This therapy is based on the endogenous heat produced by sinusoidal currents at high frequency (500 KHz) applied by means of electrodes on the part of the body to treat.
Although the therapy based on heat has been known and used for a long time for the treatment of articular and muscular pain, only with the application of this technology, which generates heat inside tissues, have substantial steps been made in terms of results and effectiveness.
In the traditional techniques like the infrared, the ultrasound or the laser, the application of heat is carried out from outside (exogenous heat). However, this method implies a quick temperature degradation while spreading in the body. In the contact heating, for example, the heat applied degrades to the basal value of 37° after few millimeters of penetration.
The endogenous heat produced by Diathermy, on the other hand, is generated by the passage of current inside the treated part of the body, thus permitting to obtain an homogeneous, deep and particularly comfortable heat distribution even deep inside the tissues.
Another important strong point of Diathermy is that the therapist, by using treatment modes and energy levels adequately, can direct the therapy very precisely.
The very quick reversing of movement of electric charges through the tissues brings about an increase in temperature that augments the volume of blood in the treated area, thanks to the Joule effect.
Indeed, the heat stimulates the capillary and precapillary circulation (there are up to 100,000 capillaries in one cm3 of tissues), which increases the quantity of oxygen and nutrients brought to the tissues and enhances the lymphatic system by improving the drainage of fluids that are in the walls of capillaries and cell membranes (interstitial space).
What must not be forgotten is that the heat is a physical agent that can increase metabolic reaction speed considerably strengthen the biological processes of recovery and repair and develop an important antalgic action.
Another aspect to be underlined is the electric balance of cell membrane: the thermal effect produced by the current changes the permeability of cell walls and re-balances the distribution of fluids between the cell and the interstitial space. For this reason, the treatment with Diathermy is particularly recommended for the reabsorption of edemas and blood effusions.
The action of Diathermy proves effective on little-reactive tissues that resist to traditional treatments, too, and translate into a deep stimulation on all the biological structures.
Among main effects:
- production of endogenous heat deep inside tissues, too
- decrease in the viscosity of muscular and connective tissue
- increase in blood circulation
- stimulation of lymphatic drainage
- increase in metabolic activity
- increase in tissue oxygenation
- greater absorption of nutrients
- quick eliminationof wastes and catabolits
- acceleration of regenerative processes
- release of endorphin and pain reduction
Posted by
Blanca Tejero
oct 15, 2014
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